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Ready to dive into a remodeling project with us? AWESOME!! Here's a brief step by step list we put together to set you up for RENOVATION success. Before we begin of course the most important step is to hire the right crew which is without a doubt Carolina Construction Bros.

Make a need + want list.
The first step in any renovation project is to find out the essentials or what's definitely needed in addition to what will be nice to have. That way you got what need in the budget and possibly make some room for what you WISH you could have.
Focus on one project at a time.
Take it one step at a time. For example: Bathroom first, then bedroom, then foyer, then kitchen. When you target one area of your house first whether it's on the outside or the interior, nothing falls through the cracks and most importantly there's more attention to detail. The end result is beautiful, less stressful and underwhelming. Nevertheless, if you're ready, don't be afraid to tackle a full home reno either, that's what we specialize in.

Do your research.
Researching cost is just as important as researching what's trending. If you're looking to resale, investing in the right materials and areas of your home is crucial. Our team of interior designers and engineers know that which will save you a ton of time and raise the potential of a return on your investment.
Create a realistic budget.
The budget goes hand in hand with the plan. Guesstimating can get you in trouble or even worse, not setting the budgeted money aside for the project. That's why our estimates account for things as expensive as quartz countertops and as small as light switch covers. We got you here as well, and with some of our budget guidance tools you can spend with a peace of mind.